Police catch drivers at 10 MPH - that's 'Mobiles Per Hour'

Police crackdown catches 10 lawbreakers per hour using phones while driving

Published 22nd Sep 2016

More than 10 motorists an hour have been caught using their phones during a police sting in Manchester.

Officers set up a check-point on the Princess Parkway after the morning rush until 12 noon and netted dozens of drivers breaking the law by texting or calling on their mobiles.

Police also stopped motorists spotted not wearing a seatbelt and driving without an MOT and insurance.

The crackdown by Greater Manchester Police was part of a European-wide initiative code-named 'EDWARD' (European Day Without A Road Death) intended to increase road safety.

Ministers are set to double the punishment for using a phone, from three points to six if they are caught using a mobile behind the wheel.

Organisers of the project say: "Drivers are unwittingly or sometimes knowingly putting other road users at risk in so many ways, perhaps by speeding, drink-driving, not wearing a seat belt, using the phone while driving, using vehicles they have not kept roadworthy, parking their cars on bicycle lanes, blocking pedestrian crossings, not turning on their lights or engaging in risky manoeuvres."