Plea for people in Manchester to keep up Covid vaccinations

The city's case rate is now 303 per 100,000 people - the highest since September 2020

Author: Luke WilsonPublished 14th Jun 2021

A plea is going out to Mancunians to keep up the fight against Covid-19 as the country and the city enters a critical stage.

For several weeks public health teams have been working around the clock to put measures in place to prevent the spread of the Delta variant.

This variant, which is up to 60% more transmissible, represents a significant threat to the safety of people living in Manchester.

As of 11 June, the infection rate in the city is 303 per 100,000 people. This is the highest it has been since September 2020.

While we are in a considerably better position compared to the start of the year, this virus is still spreading exponentially, and a bigger push has to be made to bring case rates back down again.

Data has shown that the vast majority of people hospitalised after contracting the Delta variant have either not yet taken up their second dose of the vaccine, or have not been vaccinated at all.

While the first dose is effective at preventing serious illness it is only after a second dose that people receive significant protection against Covid-19.

While 73% of eligible adults in Manchester have received their first dose of the Covid vaccine (as of June 9) it is crucial that this progress continues.

With an announcement anticipated from the Government pushing back the official end of Covid restrictions, it is vital that this time is now used to vaccinate as many people as possible.

Councillor Joanna Midgley, Executive Member for Health and Care, said: “The developments in Manchester over the past few weeks have been concerning and while there have been superhuman efforts to slow the spread of the Delta variant, there is only so much that can be done.

“We really need people to play their part, and come forward for a vaccine as soon as possible. Not only that, we need residents to keep their appointments for a second jab to ensure maximum protection.

“Vaccination is a free choice but there cannot be any doubt that choosing not to get vaccinated, or not to get a second dose, is a bad and irresponsible choice that could ultimately cost lives.

“This pandemic has been devastating for so many families, with thousands of people in the city region tragically losing their lives. In the early stages of the pandemic my mother died of Covid-19; this is a pain that I would not want anyone to experience.

“By getting double vaccinated we are not only protecting ourselves, but our friends, our neighbours and communities. I am not able to bring back my mum, but through our collective actions we can prevent any more people succumbing to this awful virus.”

David Regan, Manchester’s Director of Public Health, said: “The spread of the Delta variant through Manchester has been particularly rapid. The fact that it is up to 60% more transmissible than the standard strain is the driving factor behind the high case numbers we are now reporting.

“More than ever it is crucial that we follow public safety guidelines, keep wearing our face coverings and maintaining social distancing. But, the most important thing we can do is to get vaccinated when approached, and to keep a follow up appointment for a second jab.”

Dr. Manisha Kumar, media director of Manchester Health and Care Commissioning said: “As part of Manchester’s designation as an Enhanced Response Area (ERA) extra resources will be made available so that more vaccination clinics and to support the extended roll out of twice-weekly lateral flow testing.

“These steps will be essential in bringing down the rising number of Covid cases we have seen in Manchester.

Joanne Roney, OBE, Chief Executive of Manchester City Council, said: “This is truly the time to show how much you love Manchester. This is about protecting our friends, colleagues and neighbours. We have made huge steps this year to bring Covid rates down, with our public health teams and NHS staff working tirelessly to vaccinate so many of us.

“I want to see this city back on its feet and I want us all to meet and hug our families & our friends. This only happens if we get vaccinated when asked. I would implore everyone to do the right thing, get vaccinated with both doses, and help us to beat this latest Covid wave.”