Paul Massey Funeral

Paul Massey's funeral
Published 28th Aug 2015

Hundreds gathered for the funeral of Mr Big'' security boss Paul Massey amid a simmering gang war.

The 55-year-old died in a hail of bullets as he stepped out of a silver BMW caroutside his home in the Clifton area of Salford last month. He was blasted four times by an assassin wearing military style'' clothingfor the apparent gangland hit. Mourners lined the streets to the church for Massey's funeral in Salford as apipe band led his funeral carriage, which was pulled by four white horses, witheight black limousines following. Inside his carriage were two huge floral tributes:Grandad'' and Salfordl egend''.

A pub near the church had home-made banners on display, saying RIP Paul Massey Respect''.

Many mourners wore white shirts and jeans, as requested by Massey's family, fora man who had allegedly never worn a suit.