Parents urged to 'be bold' and talk to kids about online safety

It's part of a police week of action tackling online exploitation

Published 18th Jun 2018

Parents are being urged to get clued up on online safety, and to have honest and frank conversations with their children about the dangers.

It comes as there is a shocking rise in the number of kids who are targeted on online gaming sites and through games consoles.

The launch of the week of awareness takes place at Greenside Children Centre in Droylsden where a group of pupils from Great Academy Ashton’s SSNAP programme (Safer Social Networking Activity Pack) will be delivering an online internet safety training session to parents attending a ‘Surviving Teenagers’ course.

Tameside Council Executive Member for Children and Families Cllr Oliver Ryan said: “Young people spend the majority of their time online now and it is just as important for parents and carers to take steps to keep their children safe online just as they would if they were going out. The SNNAP programme has proven really effective in supporting young people to share online safety tips with their peers and it is great they are also sharing their valuable insight with parents and carers.”

Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime, Bev Hughes said: “Child sexual exploitation takes many forms, but one of the major threats we’re currently facing is in cyber-space. At the press of the button a predator can contact a child and pretend to be someone they’re not- often another child- and start the grooming process that leads to exploitation and abuse. It’s all too easy.

“It’s our job to raise awareness of this, as parents we need to protect our children and educate them, so they can remain safe whilst online. By empowering children they will be able to recognise threats and avoid them – we can protect children by ensuring they are safe online.

Preventing online child sexual exploitation continues to be a key priority for me and all partners across Greater Manchester, and we are working hard to ensure the right messages around safety are communicated.”

For further information on protecting children from Child Sexual Exploitation and how to seek support or report concerns visit