Ordinary man joins Manchester's fight against homelessness armed with a bus

An ordinary man's joined Manchester's fight against homelessness armed with a double decker tour bus.

Embassy Bus
Author: Rebecca Barratt

An ordinary man has joined Manchester's fight against homelessness armed with a double decker tour bus.

Sid William's has set up a charity called Embassy which will provide shelter while men get their lives back on track.

Up to 14 risk-assessed referrals at a time will be offered accomodation on the repurposed vehicle until they're housed.

Sid told Key 103:

"Most of my youth work for the last five and half years has been on double decker buses which we convert in to state of the art youth centres but I think it's time for me to grow up and do something with adults.

"I was aware, I think like most of us in Manchester, that there seems to be a lot more homeless people on the street and that bothered me but I hadn't realised quite how many more until I began research.

"We've managed to raise the money needed to purchase a double decker tour bus and we've managed to get a grant to do the re-branding and any conversion needed but we're planning on employing five staff and funding is always a hurdle so we'd love to hear from businesses or anyone else who could help us."