Oldham Teacher jailed for having sex with pupil

Victim praised for her bravery

Published 7th Sep 2017

A former Oldham teacher has been jailed after having sex with a pupil.

Darren Fisher, 40, of Woodlands Grove, Halifax, was sentenced to five years in prison at Manchester Minshull Street Crown Court today (Thursday 7 September 2017).

He previously pleaded guilty to six counts of sexual activity with a child and six counts of engaging in sexual activity with a person under the age of 18 whilst in a position of trust.

The court heard how the teacher - who worked at a school in Oldham at the time of the offences - would send the girl e-mails and text messages which became sexually inappropriate.

He would then take her in his car to locations across Greater Manchester, including car parks and lay-bys, where they would have sex.

The sexual activity continued for about a year before Fisher was arrested in November 2016 after concerns were raised to police about his behaviour.

When he was arrested he admitted to officers he knew the victim was underage when he began having sex with her.

Detective Constable Linda Turner, from GMP’s Oldham borough, said: “Fisher disregarded his duty as a teacher to protect and support this child; instead he took the opportunity to use her for his own sick sexual gratification.

“His actions will sadly leave emotional scars on this victim.

“I would like to praise her for her bravery, for speaking out and helping us ensure justice was served today.”

Greater Manchester is nationally recognised as a model of good practice in terms of support services available to victims.

  • If you or someone you know has been raped or sexually assaulted, we encourage you not to suffer in silence and report it to the police, or a support agency so you can get the help and support available.
  • You can call Greater Manchester Police on 101, or alternatively people can refer themselves to St Mary's Sexual Assault Referral Centre on 0161 276 6515, whether or not you want make a police report.
  • St Mary's Sexual Assault Referral Centre in Manchester provides a comprehensive and coordinated forensic, counselling and medical aftercare service to anyone in Greater Manchester who has experienced rape or sexual assault. Services are available on a 24-hour basis and people can access them via Greater Manchester Police, or as a self-referral.
  • Manchester Rape Crisis is a confidential support service run by women for women and girls who have been raped or sexually abused. Confidential helpline: 0161 273 4500. Black and Minority Ethnic helpline: 0161 273 4514.
  • Survivors Manchester offers support and counselling for adult male survivors of sexual abuse and rape, regardless of when the event happened. Contact 07919 246 267