North West parents spending thousands on teenagers

New study reveals teenagers in our region have the most spent on them.

Published 31st Aug 2016

Studies have proven that in Greater Manchester it’s costing the average parents over 30 thousand pounds to raise their teenagers. Figures show parents spend more than 30 thousand on children aged 13 to 19, not including the costs of household necessities such as food. Some parents even go without for the sake of their children having more.

Debbie Abrahams, Oldham MP, says: “My daughters are all grown up now but I can remember those pressures I really can. What strikes me is my concern about children living in poverty already and the pressure that their parents will face’’.

Steve Harding who works alongside a charity set up to help single mums says: ‘’They’ve gone into work because they want to provide more for their children. Buying those things, keeping up with the latest trends, clothes and gadgets. So parents are really struggling with managing a budget even though they’ve gone into work’’.

Purchasing birthday and Christmas presents for a child already costs a fortune for parents, but buying for teenagers is worse with them wanting more expensive gifts such as phones, tablets and computers.

Chantelle, a mum living in Manchester says: ‘’It’s a nightmare for birthdays because they want everything and sometimes as a parent you don’t have the money for everything they want. So it’s just trying to get it to make them happy’’.