New restrictions start in Warrington

There's been over 200 cases in the borough in the most recent verified seven-day period

Published 22nd Sep 2020
Last updated 22nd Sep 2020

The government has confirmed that Warrington will be hit with a series of new lockdown-style restrictions to cope with a rising number of Covid-19 cases.

Lancashire, Merseyside and Halton will also face the new measures.

The new rules will come into force today.

It will mean big changes for who you are allowed to meet up with and how pubs and restaurants are allowed to operate.

Here are the key details you need to know:

Meeting up with other households

The new rules ban people from meeting with others from outside of their own households or support bubbles in private homes and gardens, unless for specific purposes listed below.

A support bubble allows a single-adult household to join with one other household of any size.

Residents are also advised not to socialise with other people outside of their own households or bubbles in all public venues.

People can only come inside your home for these specific purposes:

where everyone in the gathering lives together or is in the same support bubble;

to attend a birth at the mother’s request;

to visit a person who is dying;

to fulfil a legal obligation;

for work purposes, including repairs and other building work, or for the provision of voluntary or charitable services; for the purposes of education or training;

for the purposes of childcare provided by a registered provider;

to provide emergency assistance;

to enable one or more persons in the gathering to avoid injury or illness or to escape a risk of harm;

to facilitate a house move;

to provide care or assistance to a vulnerable person;

to continue existing arrangements for access to, and contact between, parents and children where the children do not live in the same household as their parents, or one of their parents.

What about childcare?

Registered childcare providers will be permitted into people’s homes.

So, you can continue to use childminders and providers offering before or after school clubs or other out-of-school settings for children. You can also continue to employ nannies, including those living outside of the region.

Children of parents who are separated can continue to move between households.

Matt Hancock has told MPs: "I've heard their concerns about the impact of local action on childcare arrangements

"For many, informal childcare arrangements are a lifeline without which they couldn't do their jobs.

"So today I'm able to announce a new exemption for looking after children under the age of 14 or vulnerable adults, where that is necessary for caring purposes.

"This covers both formal and informal arrangements.

"It does not allow for playdates or parties, but it does mean that a consistent childcare relationship, that is vital for somebody to get to work, is allowed.''

Are schools still open?

Yes – schools, colleges and universities remain open across the region.

Can I go to someone’s house in an area not subject to the restrictions?

No, people are being told not to visit anyone else’s home either inside or outside of the area of restrictions, unless that includes your support bubble.

Can I still go on holiday?

You can still go on holiday within the UK or abroad, but you should only do this with people you live with, or have formed a support bubble with.

Pubs, bars, restaurants, and other leisure venues

The following must close from 10pm to 5am: pubs, bars, restaurants, cafes, social clubs, cinemas, theatres, casinos, bingo halls, concert halls, amusement arcades, indoor leisure centres, funfairs, theme parks, and adventure parks and activities. Travelling funfairs are prohibited.

During opening hours, there should be table service only at food and drink venues.

Between 10pm and 5am each day, hot food takeaways can only operate a delivery service.

You should only visit hospitality venues with members of your household or bubble.

Why can I go to the pub but not a relative’s house?

Officials say this is because hospitality venues have enhanced health and safety measures to combat the spread of the virus, such as Test and Trace lists and risk assessments, which private homes don’t.

Can I play sports?

Team sports should not take place at an indoor or outdoor venue with people who you don’t live with – unless formally organised by a sports club or similar organisation, with guidance issued by a sports governing body.

However, people are allowed to travel to play sports outside of the area.

You can also go to the gym, fitness classes, or to a swimming pool as long as those venues have the required Covid-secure risk assessments and guidelines in place.

You should also not attend any sporting events, professional or semi-pro, as a spectator either.


Residents are advised to only use public transport for essential purposes, such as travelling to school or work. Face coverings must be worn unless you are exempt.

You are advised not to share a car with those outside your household or support bubble, and to use public transport for essential journeys instead.

Can I move home?

Yes, house moves are still allowed.