New CCTV Pics Over John Lewis Attack

Published 5th Sep 2015

New CCTV pictures have been released by police investigating the rap of a woman in the car park at John Lewis in Cheadle last month. They think they may show a witness to the attack which happened at 7pm on Friday 28th August, when a woman in her late 20s was grabbed, dragged into bushes and indecently assaulted. The new image shows someone walking across the car park at the time of the offence and detectives think this person might have important clues to catch the man responsible. Detective Inspector Roger Edwards from Greater Manchester Police said, "Since this attack was reported to us, we have been doing everything in our power to try and trace the man responsible. "We have been offering all the support we can to the young lady that was raped, who is understandably devastated by what has happened to her. "However, she has courageously been working closely with police to help us with our enquiries as much as she can and we now have an updated evofit of the suspect that we are issuing to the public. "Through CCTV enquiries, we have also identified a possible witness we would like to speak to, that was in the car park at the same time the attack took place. The individual, possibly a woman, is wearing a light coloured top and dark trousers and carrying what appears to be a handbag. "I would like to reassure this individual in the CCTV image that you are not in any kind of trouble, but we are eager to speak with you as you may have vital information that could assist our investigation. "This attack is one that has shocked the local community and we are grateful for the widespread support and calls we are receiving from the public to help us try and catch this offender." The attacker is described as an Asian man, approximately 40 years old, medium build, with black hair, heavily pock-marked and open-pored skin on his face, with a thick black mono-brow, wearing black jogging bottoms.