National sickie day: Manchester leads the way

National sick day sees Manchester top the list.

Published 1st Feb 2016

It’s national ‘sickie’ day as today is officially the day workers are most likely to call in sick – and Manchester is one of the worst offenders.

A survey has shown that the 1st of February is the worst day of the year for absenteeism with Mancunians doing it more than most

Those who are not genuinely poorly are costing businesses 34 million pounds.

Dark mornings and bad weather was the main reason for choosing to stay in bed, with having a hangover also high up on the list.

Lawrence Jones - Chief Exec of UKFast has a radical solution:

“I do get a lot of stick as we don’t pay sick pay we pay statutory sick pay but as a policy on its own it doesn’t look like a good idea but on the money we save we’ve got this huge list of benefits from trips abroad to gym classes, all driven by the fact people want to be here.”