Meningitis survivor urges all new students to get jab before heading to University

New students are at risk of Meningitis W

Published 21st Aug 2018

A North West meningitis survivor is urging all new students heading to University this September to make sure they get their Meningitis W vaccination before they go.

Freshers are susceptible to the disease, because of the mixture of people from new environments, living in close proximity to one another.

Rosie Heaton, from Greater Manchester, contracted meningitis when she was younger:

"I was in intensive care for about a week. I had weird hallucinations, which I can still sort of remember to this day. They all thought I'd made a full recover, I'd kept all my limbs and didn't have any brain injuries, but I didn't.

"I've been left with kidney failure and chronic fatigue, which was basically my body just telling me it had given up.

"The last 10+ years of my life have been taken up by this disease and I would urge anyone to get the vaccination and just look after yourself.

"As students I feel like, you can feel as though you're invincible. Meningitis can disguise itself as Fresher flu or a hangover, so that's why it's just so important to get the vaccination. I do preach about it a lot to my friends."

So what is meningitis W?

Cases of meningitis and blood poisoning (septicaemia) caused by a highly virulent strain of Men W bacteria have been rising since 2009.

Older teenagers and new university students are at higher risk of infection because many of them mix closely with lots of new people, some of whom may unknowingly carry the meningococcal bacteria at the back of their noses and throats.

Anyone who is eligible for the MenACWY vaccine should have it, even if they've previously had the Men C vaccine.

The MenACWY vaccine is highly effective in preventing illness caused by the four meningococcal strains, including the highly virulent Men W strain

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