Marwan Koukash completes handover of Salford Red Devils to consortium of fans

The club is now under the control of a not-for-profit holding company.

Author: Victoria GloverPublished 9th Jan 2018

Marwan Koukash has completed his handover of Salford Red Devils to a consortium of fans.

A new, not-for-profit holding company, Salford RD Holdings, has taken over control of the Betfred Super League club from Koukash, who saved them from bankruptcy in 2013 and announced his intention to step down last September.

The Rugby Football League has now approved the deal, which sees ownership pass to a four-strong board established to represent fans and the Salford community.

The club say Andrew Rosler, Asif Latief, Hannah Fendall and Dawn Fidler are long-standing supporters who will bring commercial experience and a clear vision to return the club to financial sustainability and build on its historical links to the city and community of Salford.

Rosler, a sponsor who had been a Salford season-ticket holder for over three decades, said This is truly an historic day for our club.

As a new board we can't wait to get down to business - I am sure we are at the beginning of a really exciting period in the club's history and we look forward to working in collaboration with the supporters, businesses and the wider community of Salford to bring long overdue success to the club.''

Koukash confirmed that he had transferred control of the club to a new board and on his Twitter account said: My involvement with the club will be as a devoted fan and sponsor. I will also be there for the new board whenever they need my advice or support.''