Manchester pays tribute to Brussels

Manchester Town Hall is to be lit with the colours of the Belgian flag.

Published 23rd Mar 2016

Manchester Town Hall will be lit with the colours of the Belgian national flag of black, yellow and red throughout the national mourning period declared in Belgium following the attack in Brussels yesterday. A book of condolence has also been opened in the Town Hall, and will be available for people to sign and show their support for the Belgian capital and those who have lost their lives. Sir Richard Leese, Leader of Manchester City Council, said:"We continue to share the shock and sadness that spreads across the world when atrocities are committed and hate is let loose. It is difficult to come to terms with such horrific attacks, which take innocent life, and attempt to de-stable communities and bring discord to people's lives. “Such events are not easily forgotten, not least by those directly affected, but Manchester stands alongside the people of Brussels – and Belgium – united against a common foe of hate and terror. It is important that we refer back to peace at these terrible times. “Our sympathy and thoughts are with the victims, their families and all those in Brussels.”

On behalf of Greater Manchester, GM Mayor Tony Lloyd, will host a minute’s silence and lower a flag at the Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Training Centre in remembrance of the victims of yesterday’s terrorist attacks in Brussels.

The event took place at 11am to coincide with remembrance events in Belgium: