Manchester nurse's marathon-a-day

Emma Widdowson completes her marathon feat for Christies

Published 23rd Sep 2016

Manchester nurse, Emma Widdowson, not content with one marathon has completed her seventh 26-mile run in seven days.

Inspired by the cancer patients she nurses every day, Emma took on the mammoth challenge of running from London to Manchester in one week, to raise funds for Manchester’s specialist cancer hospital The Christie, where she works in the oncology assessment unit.

Spurred on by a friend who is being treated there, Emma, 29, said that although the challenge was tough at times as she has never completed such a distance before, it was nothing compared to the challenges faced by cancer patients every day.

Mum-of-two Emma, from Bowdon, Cheshire, ran the 182 miles dressed to represent a different cancer on different days. One day she wore red for haematological cancer, another day purple for melanoma, and she even ran one marathon distance in her bra for breast cancer.

Her challenge began on 17th September in London and her route took her from Notting Hill, through St Albans, Rugby and Macclesfield, finishing at The Christie in Withington, Manchester, on Friday 23rd September where she was greeted by cheering family, friends and colleagues.

One of her patients, friend Mark Bryant, 38, from Rhos-on-Sea, north Wales, joined her for the last 5km as she ran into the hospital grounds and her proud daughters Isabella, seven, and Amelie, four, crossed the finishing line with her.

Emma said: “I was so inspired talking to my friend Mark, hearing about the challenges he has faced as an inpatient on the haematology ward. He has faced many hurdles and fought this battle so bravely, as have many of my amazing patients who I have grown so fond of.

“I hadn’t done a huge amount of training although I have always loved running and have completed marathons before. I just thought of who I was running for and took it a day at a time.

“I don’t feel too bad, I could actually do another run! Although now I’m heading for an ice bath.

“I want to thank everyone who has supported me. All the money we raised will go towards developing better patient treatment and care at The Christie where I am so proud to be a nurse.”

Emma was supported on her challenge by her parents Caroline and David Widdowson who drove a support vehicle and cycled alongside her as she ran.