Man jailed for murder of Italian restaurant boss in Salford

Vincenzo Tavano has been sentenced to life in prison.

Published 6th Oct 2017

The man's been jailed for life after admitting killing an Italian restaurant boss from Salford.

61-year-old Giorgio Roncari was found dead at his home on Blackburn Street in April. It emerged he'd been strangled to death by 33-year-old Vincenzo Tavano (pictured), who owed him money.

A murder investigation was launched to establish what had happened - when police noticed that Roncari's car was missing.

His Jaguar was later found on Chester Street in Manchester and, after looking at CCTV, officers realised it had been parked there five days earlier by Tavano.

Around the same time, credit cards belonging to Giorgio were used in online purchases, which were then collected by the 33 year old.

On 25th April 2017, Vincenzo was arrested on suspicion of Giorgio’s murder and despite answering "no comment" to questions in police interview - he then fully admitted his involvement.

He confessed that he'd visited Giorgio’s flat on Saturday 15th April where an argument took place over Vincenzo's outstanding debts. He then grabbed him by the throat and choked him.

He claimed to have put a plastic bag on his head to see whether he was still breathing before taking his wallet, cards and the keys to his car.

Senior Investigating Officer Duncan Thorpe of GMP’s Major Incident Support Unit, said: “Tavano’s anger fuelled his actions that night, taking a man’s life over a dispute.

“The immoral and opportunist behaviour he displayed after he murdered a man proves there is no place better for him than behind bars.

“Giorgio was a well-liked and popular man in Salford and will be terribly missed.

“My thoughts remain with his family and friends at this time."

Vincenzo Tavano, of Park Lane, Poynton, Cheshire, was jailed for life, with a minimum term of 17 years.