LISTEN: We have a £5K minute winner!

This morning Kim Smith from Chadderton won £5,000

Published 13th Oct 2016

Every weekday at 8:10am on Key 103 Breakfast we play the 5k Minute - the quickest way to earn £5,000!

The idea is simple, you get 60 seconds to answer 10 questions. If you get all 10 correct you win £5,000! But if you don't manage it, we'll still give you £10 for each correct answer.

This morning, we had our very first 5k Minute winner... Kim Smith from Chadderton. Kim was waiting for the bus when she played and breezed through the questions with ease including, "Which famous biscuit company have a large factory on the A6 in Stockport".

Listen to the whole quiz here...

5K Minute - weekdays on Key 103 Breakfast at 8.10am. To play, just call 0161 288 0103.