Labour Holds Oldham

Published 4th Dec 2015

Jeremy Corbyn successfully passed his first electoral test with flying colours when candidate Jim McMahon held the Oldham West and Royton seat for Labour in the by-election with a majority of more than 10,000 and an increased share of the vote.

The Labour leader hailed the result as a vote of confidence in our party'' while Ukip claimed the volume of postal votes cast in the constituency haddistorted'' the outcome. Turnout was higher than expected at just over 40%, and Labour's success appears to have been partly secured by an effective postal vote operation. Mr McMahon polled 17,209 votes, with Ukip's John Bickley trailing in second on 6,487, a majority of 10,722. Labour's share of the vote increased by more than seven points to 62.1% and there was a 2.27% swing from Ukip to Labour.

Last October Mr Bickley nearly overturned an 11,000 Labour majority at the Heywood and Middleton by-election, losing by just 600 votes.

He said Oldham West and Royton was a different type of constituency with different demographics'' in avery strong Labour heartland''.

Westminster's newest MP said he was delighted'' by the result and vowed todo my best to live up to those high standards'' set by former MP Michael who died this year.

Mr McMahon said: My sole focus has always been on what is best for Oldham, I want to make our town a better place for my sons to grow up in and make it somewhere they can be proud of, my priority will always be Oldham.