Inquiry into Manchester Arena Attack still waiting for police evidence

It's feared Greater Manchester Police's delays could hold up the inquiry - which is due to start on 6th April 2020

Author: Ellie LinfordPublished 22nd Nov 2019

A public inquiry into the Manchester Arena bombing may be delayed because police have failed to provide statements more than two years after the terror attack, a hearing was told.

Fiona Barton QC, representing Greater Manchester Police (GMP) made a public apology for the delay to around 30 relatives of the victims present at the preliminary hearing of the Manchester Arena Inquiry.

Looking over to the benches where relatives were seated in the hearing at Manchester Town Hall, she said: "May I turn to the families and apologise profusely for the delay.''

From across the room one relative responded: "Not accepted.''

Stephen Howe, whose wife Alison, 45, was among the 22 who died in the suicide attack, said GMP's response was "diabolical'' as it was now more than two years since the bombing.

Suicide bomber Salman Abedi killed 22 people and injured hundreds more by detonating a rucksack bomb at the end of an Ariana Grande concert on May 22 2017.

The bomber's younger brother, Hashem Abedi, will go on trial in January denying 22 counts of murder.

The statements were requested from GMP as part of the inquests into the deaths of the 22 victims, examining the build-up and the attack itself, security at the arena, the emergency response and background to the atrocity including the actions of the police and security services.

The inquests were turned into a public inquiry in October so that secret evidence could be heard behind closed doors without the families of the victims and their lawyers being present as it was ruled public disclosure of the information would be a national security risk.

Paul Greaney QC, counsel to the Inquiry, told the hearing witness statements relating to command and control issues were first requested from 12 key individuals at GMP in April.

They were told to provide them in August, but only six have been given so far, those having been emailed last night.

Mr Greaney also said there was a second problem with "gaps'' in the 550 hours of radio transmission recordings from the night of the bombing provided by GMP.

Peter Weatherby, representing some of the families, told the hearing: "This sorry tale Mr Greaney indicates is frankly not good enough.''

Mr Weatherby said in August when GMP were told to provide the statements, at that time a report into the fatal shooting by a GMP officer of an unarmed man, Anthony Grainger, had been published.

He said the report from a judge contained "the strongest criticism of GMP I think there's ever been'' including accusing GMP of a "lack of candour'' and that senior officers had "misled a criminal case'' as a result of Mr Grainger's death.

Mr Weatherby added: "One might have thought the Chief Constable would have sent down the line, the clearest of instructions that the response in respect of this Manchester bombing, had to be done to the highest possible level.''

Ms Barton said it was "regrettable'' Mr Weatherby had raised the subject of candour over the question of delay.

Ms Barton said: "There is not any suggestion of a lack of candour relating to GMP in relation to the preparation of this case.

"I utterly rebut any suggestion of a lack of candour.''

She said for a variety of reasons, including an officer on sick leave and IT issues at GMP that statements had not been provided which were in themselves a "huge undertaking''.

She said in fact only 10 statements were required with only four outstanding which will be provided by December 6.

Retired High Court judge Sir John Saunders, chairing the inquiry, said: "No comments should be made about lack of candour until we see the statements.

"If there's delay and it is due to GMP I have no doubt there will be extremely extensive public criticism of GMP.

"What I'm absolutely insistent on is this inquiry has to start on April 6.

"It is simply not fair to the families or to anyone else or to Manchester in general.''

A further preliminary hearing will be held on January 28 2020