Hundreds gather to remember four children killed in Salford fire

Friends and family launched balloons and sang songs

Salford Fire Vigil
Published 17th Dec 2017
Last updated 17th Dec 2017

Mourners turned out in their hundreds to remember the four children who were killed in a house fire in Salford on Monday.

Just metres away from the scene of the fire, people gathered.

They packed out into the street, bringing traffic to a standstill.

14-year-old Demi, eight-year-old Brandon, seven-year old Lacie and three-year-old Lia died after the blaze ripped through their home on Jackson Street

Some people held pink and blue balloons, while others carried huge ones with the numbers 3, 7, 8 and 14 - their ages.

Friends of Demi wore T-shirts emblazoned with the words 'We Love You Demi P'

At 6pm on the dot, a sea of balloons were released into the sky, followed by a series of Chinese lanterns - the final one in the shape of a heart.

"It's a tragedy...but the Walkden community is strong"

Local Reverend Alan Kennedy led the memorial, which began with the Lords Pray and ended with a chorus of the song 'In The Arms of An Angel' Speaking after the event, Vicky Tyrer - who helped organise the event - said it was about uniting the community.

"It's such a tragic event, but the Walkden community is strong. We won't let this break us."