Hundred arrests in domestic abuse clampdown

As part of a month of action GMP is reinforcing its fight against domestic abuse

Published 19th Sep 2016

Greater Manchester Police has arrested 98 people wanted for domestic abuse over the last week as part of Operation Scratch.

As part of a month of action GMP is reinforcing its fight against domestic abuse, raising awareness of the underreported crime, capturing criminals wanted for domestic abuse offences and encouraging people to recognise the signs in their own or someone else’s relationship.

Beginning on Monday 12 September and running for a month, Operation Scratch will see officers from across Greater Manchester working together to search for people who have committed domestic abuse related crimes and reaching out to communities, urging them to report suspicions or get support if they are a victim.

The operation comes eight months after a change in the law that made coercive and controlling behaviour in relationships illegal. Since then, GMP has investigated 55 reports under the new legislation.

The new legislation mean that victims who are subjected to coercive and controlling behaviour can bring their perpetrators to justice, with incidents that stop short of serious physical violence but amount to extreme psychological and emotional abuse will now be recognised as a crime within the domestic abuse framework.

Detective Chief Superintendent Paul Rumney from GMP said: “These results show just how seriously we take domestic abuse and that this crackdown reinforces our commitment to bringing these offenders to justice – domestic abuse will not be tolerated here in Greater Manchester and we would urge anyone who is a victim to speak out. Help is available.

“As well as this operational work our team have spoken to hundreds of officers and staff ensuring they have all of the information that they need to best help victims on these types of call outs.”

Officers will be going after offenders who have committed crimes against their loved ones but will also be continuing a campaign started by GMP when the legislation first changed, SCRATCH.

Raising awareness of the signs to look for when it comes to coercive and controlling behaviour the campaign sees officers give members of the public SCRATCH cards which, instead of revealing a cash prize, will uncover another layer of controlling behaviour as the sections are scratched away.

As well as raising awareness with the public specially trained officers will spend the month sharing their knowledge with officers and staff from across the Force, holding training sessions for front line officers who deal with domestic abuse incidents first hand.

Greater Manchester Mayor and Police and Crime Commissioner Tony Lloyd said: “Controlling someone through fear is as devastating and long-lasting on a person as a kick or a punch. Constantly belittling someone, degrading them, isolating them from friends and family, controlling their money, denies that person of a happy and free life. That can never be acceptable and this month of action by police sends a strong message that domestic abuse – in all its forms – will not be ignored and will not be tolerated. That 98 arrests have already been made will bring hope and confidence to other victims and survivors of domestic abuse and encourage people to speak out and seek help.”

For more information, whether you are a victim, friend, family member or neighbour please visit:

To contact your local domestic abuse unit call the GMP switchboard on 101. In an emergency where there is an immediate threat to life or property always call 999.

Controlling and coercive behaviour – the new legislation

Behaviour included under the new legislation includes (but is not limited to) –

  • Isolating someone from their family and friends - Monitoring someone via online communication tools such as social media - Taking control over aspects of their everyday life, such as where they can go, who they can see, what to wear and when they can sleep - Depriving them of access to support services, such as specialist support or medical services - Repeatedly putting them down such as telling them they are worthless - Enforcing rules and activity which humiliate, degrade or dehumanise the victim - Forcing the victim to take part in criminal activity such as shoplifting, neglect or abuse of children to encourage self-blame and prevent disclosure to authorities - Preventing a person from having access to transport or from working

You can read more about the new law and the types of behaviour associated with coercion and control in this document: Statutory guidance framework: controlling or coercive behaviour in an intimate or family relationship.