Huge industrial firework explodes outside Salford cafe

The bang was heard miles away in West Didsbury.

Published 12th Sep 2017

Police and fire officers are investigating after a huge industrial firework was set off outside a cafe in Salford overnight.

Emergency services were called out at around 12.30am (12th September 2017) to reports that an explosion had been heard in Pendleton.

When officers arrived, they found the shutters had been blown off the front of a cafe on Concord Place.

A cordon remains in place while enquiries are carried out and officers are appealing for anyone with information to come forward.

It comes just days after a firework was planted underneath a Vauxhall Corsa in Eccles.

Superintendent Mark Kenny of GMP’s Salford Borough, said: “This happened in the middle of the night and understandably a number of people will be concerned about what is happened.

“We are working with our colleagues in the fire service to understand the root cause and the circumstances that surround it.

“Fortunately no-one was hurt but this does not dilute the severity of what has happened.

“I want to thank people who have already got in touch with us and I want to urge those who have not yet done so to do the same.

“We are piecing together the information we have received but need you to make that call to gain a fuller picture.”

Anyone with information should contact police on 101 quoting reference number 33 of 12/09/17 or the independent charity Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.