Hopes buffer zone around Manchester abortion clinic will stop 'daily abuse'

Manchester City Council is implementing the change around the Marie Stopes Clinic in Fallowfield, following a public consultation

Author: Ellie LinfordPublished 9th Oct 2020

It's hoped a new buffer zone outside one of Manchester's most high-profile abortion clinics will protect patients and staff from daily abuse.

New rules mean pro-life campaigners will be banned from protesting outside the Marie Stopes centre in Fallowfield.

The Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) banning demonstrations, like prayer vigils, will last for 3 years and cover all of Wynnstay Grove and Wilmslow Road from its junction with Willow Bank to the Sherwood Street junction and Ladybarn Road.

This decision follows an investigation into protests outside this clinic and follows complaints from Manchester residents and campaign groups about the harassment and intimidation of abortion clinic users and staff.

Richard Bentley, Managing Director of Marie Stopes UK said:

"Today’s decision is a huge victory for the women of Manchester who will finally be able to access the healthcare to which they are legally entitled free from intimidation and harassment.

“Our team in Manchester do everything they can to create a welcoming haven where women feel supported in their choices, and during the pandemic have been working around the clock to keep services open for everyone who needs them. It is disgraceful that they have been forced to witness this undermined by the cruel tactics of the radical anti-choice groups standing outside. We are incredibly grateful to Manchester Council for recognising the emotional distress that these groups create and for taking proportionate action to protect the privacy and dignity of women accessing our clinic.

“However, while this decision will protect the wellbeing of everyone coming to our Manchester centre, the vast majority of abortion clinics throughout England and Wales remain defenceless. The fact is whether it’s one woman being harassed or 1,000, it’s still too many. It is time for the UK government to end the postcode lottery of harassment and legislate for Safe Access Zones outside all registered abortion care providers in the UK.”

However, pro-life groups describe the move as censoring free speech.