Greater Manchester Police draft in extra resources to deal with demand

The force are reminding people to only call 999 in an emergency after dealing with nearly 2,000 calls in just 24 hours on Saturday.

Author: Tom DambachPublished 29th Mar 2021
Last updated 29th Mar 2021

Greater Manchester Police have had to draft in extra resources to deal with a huge rise in demand over the weekend.

On Saturday alone the force dealt with 1,860 999 calls and by Sunday lunchtime had received calls to more than 3,500 incidents.

Police are now reminding people to only call 999 in the event of an emergency, after some questionable reports were made to their call centre.

Assistant Chief Constable Nicky Porter said: “While a vast majority of these calls have been the more serious grade one to three incidents, some of the reports to 999 have included a fuel card being confiscated by a petrol station, a COVID breach where only the occupants of an address were found on police attendance, and calls asking for updates on ongoing incidents.

Such reports do contribute to a delay in us reaching other emergency calls where someone’s life or property may be at stake.

A vast majority of calls are well-intentioned, such as reports of COVID breaches, but should be reported online where possible, on Live Chat or via 101 if there is no immediate threat, harm, or risk.

I’d like to thank the public for their co-operation and reassure them that we continue to do all we can so that we can support all those who need us in an emergency as quickly as possible.”