Greater Manchester MP backs 'Child Rescue Alert' campaign

Ann Coffey joins the mothers on Madeleine McCann and April Jones in encouraging people to sign up for Child Rescue Alert.

Published 23rd Feb 2016

The mothers of Madeleine McCann and April Jones will come to the House of Commons today (Wednesday) to encourage people to sign up to Child Rescue Alert.

Kate McCann and Coral Jones will be guest speakers at an event hosted by Ann Coffey MP, the chair of the All Party Group on Runaway and Missing Children and Adults.

Ms Coffey is urging local businesses, schools and individuals in Stockport and Greater Manchester to sign up to receive Child Rescue Alerts.

Today’s Commons event is part of a two week campaign to support the Child Rescue Alerts system, which is backed by many high profile figures including Bob Geldof and Stephen Fry.

MPs will be encouraged to sign up to receive Child Rescue Alerts themselves and to encourage individuals and companies in their constituencies to do so.

The national system is designed to alert the public as quickly as possible to abduction or other urgent high risk child disappearances. Alerts are sent directly to individuals by free text message (SMS), email and app notifications and reach many thousands more through broadcast media, digital billboards and social media.

Karen Bradley, the Minister for Preventing Abuse and Exploitation, will also speak at the meeting and will outline what the Government is doing to support the scheme.

Ms Coffey said: “When a child goes missing and their life is believed to be at immediate risk, every second counts and every pair of eyes helps – your support it vital.

“Statistics show that the initial hours after a child is abducted are crucial and a sighting by a member of the public could make the difference between life and death.

“I’d encourage everyone in Stockport and Greater Manchester to sign up to receive Child Rescue Alerts. It’s quick and easy and free and could save a child’s life.

“Schools can help by encouraging parents to sign up and businesses can join major employers such as Royal Mail who have signed up their 124,000 employees to receive the alerts on their hand held devices.”

Child Rescue Alert is run by the charity Missing People in partnership with the National Crime Agency and the education technology company Groupcall.

The first Child Rescue Alert was issued in March last year when a 14 year old girl from the Midlands went missing. The Police ordered an alert and the system went into action, with the alert being issued to over 250,000 subscribers. Thankfully the child was found safe and well in less than 24 hours.

Sign up free at: or text HERO and your postcode 85080.