Greater Manchester Mayor hits the streets

Andy Burnham launches Homelessness Fund as he speaks to city centre's rough sleepers

New Greater Manchester Mayor visits homeless
Published 8th May 2017

The new mayor of Greater Manchester's told us he's sticking to his word and putting homelessness top of his agenda....

Andy Burnham's asking for the public's help to raise money to tackle rough sleeping.

After officially starting work this morning, the Greater Manchester Mayor launched his Homelessness Fund donating 15 per cent of his salary to kick start it, something he’s pledged to do every month. A number of local businesspeople have also agreed to contribute with local people also supporting the fund.

Burnham visited rough sleepers in the city centre where he was joined by staff from Riverside Street Outreach team, including a volunteer who has lived experience of homelessness. Cllr Beth Knowles, appointed by the Mayor to lead his work on tackling rough sleeping and homelessness, and Cllr Bernard Priest, Manchester City Council Executive member for Housing & Regeneration, joined the Mayor.

Greater Manchester Mayor, Andy Burnham said: “Greater Manchester has been fortunate enough to witness some of the fastest economic growth nationally over the past decade, but alongside this we have seen a growing inequality which damages us all.

“Whilst the city centre's skyline is filled with cranes, our streets should not be crowded with people who have no roof over their head. Rough sleeping and homelessness are not inevitable consequences of a 21st Century economy. We all have a duty to ensure no one is forced to spend a night on the streets and every Greater Mancunian has a stable place to call home

“That is why I have made ending rough sleeping across the city region by 2020 one of my top Mayoral priorities. Within three years, and if we can achieve it earlier, no one should be forced to spend a night on the streets. I will also work with all relevant organisations to develop a plan to reduce all forms of homelessness in Greater Manchester.”