GMP starts crackdown on criminal and terrorist activity in Manchester

Police are starting a major crackdown against crime and terrorism as thousands more people start to return to Manchester.

Author: Tom DambachPublished 15th Jun 2021

Police are starting a major crackdown against crime and terrorism as thousands more people start to return to Manchester.

It's all part of Project Servator which aims to disrupt hostile reconnaissance – the information-gathering terrorists and other criminals need to do to help them plan.

It has been running in Manchester City Centre for two years, and at Manchester Airport since 2018, covering iconic sites and encompassing a raft of tactics which are used by officers to disrupt criminal activity.

Project Servator is different to regular policing, because the officers involved are specially-trained to spot tell-tale signs that someone may be carrying out hostile reconnaissance and planning or preparing to commit a crime.

They carry out unpredictable, high visibility deployments, and use a range of visible and less visible measures, including search dogs, vehicle checkpoints, mounted unit and armed officers.

Project Servator deployments can happen anywhere and at any time – they are designed to be unpredictable. Officers are operating across the city centre and transport network, and deploy with key partners, including British Transport Police.

But it’s not just specially-trained officers that have a role to play in disrupting hostile reconnaissance. Project Servator relies on police working with the community to build a network of vigilance.

Chief Inspector Roger Worrall said: "We know it's been a difficult time for everyone recently and we don’t want people to worry if they see extra officers out and about.

Project Servator is very much business as usual, but we need the support of the public and local businesses. They play a vital role in helping to make Manchester a difficult place for terrorists and other criminals to operate.

"We want to welcome everyone back into our City but also ask people to remain vigilant and be our extra eyes and ears. Officers will be speaking to people to explain how they can help.

You know your local area, where you work, live or commute, as well as anyone and you’ll know if something doesn’t seem right. Trust your instincts and report any suspicious activity to a police officer or member of staff where you are. You can also call 101 or report online at Always dial 999 in an emergency.”