Flu outbreak forces school closure

The school will undergo a full deep clean

Published 7th Dec 2016

Bramhall High School has been forced to close due to more than 300 pupils and 20 staff reporting sick.

Over the past few days those attending the school have been complaining of flu-like symptoms.

The headteacher has announced the "unprecedented situation" will mean there has to be a deep clean and won't re-open until next week.

Here is her letter posted on the school's website:

Dear Parents and Carers As you are aware we have had an unprecedented situation at school with so many of our students and staff being ill. Throughout this difficult period I have been working on a daily basis with the Local Authority and with Public Health England to ensure we are able to take care of everyone to the best of our ability. As the cases of flu are continuing to rise we have now been advised by the Health Authorities to close the school to enable all our poorly students and staff to recover. Our school will therefore close today and remain closed up until and including Monday 12th December. On Tuesday 13th December 2016 we plan to reopen and run as normal up until the Christmas break. This 5 day period of closure will allow anyone currently ill to have a period of recuperation to avoid any danger of reinfection. The building will therefore be closed to students and staff during this period whilst we carry out a full deep clean protocol and there will be no access to the site during this period. Clearly this decision has not been taken lightly but I am acting on the sound professional guidance of my colleagues from both the Local Authority and from the Public Health England. I realise this is difficult for parents but on this occasion this is the only sensible option available to us. Please continue to follow the guidance on our website if your son or daughter does present with symptoms during this period and seek professional advice. May I take this opportunity to thank you for your support over the last few days as we have worked together to manage this and I am confident that we will be able to ‘catch up’ on some of the lost learning time prior to the Christmas break. Kind Regards Mrs Lynne Fox Headteacher Bramhall hIgh School