Firework seller sentenced

A man found guilty of storing and selling fireworks without a licence, posing a danger to the public, has appeared in court.

Published 15th Sep 2016

A rogue firework trader in Bury has been sentenced after being found guilty of storing explosives without a licence.

Robert Phelps, 31, of no fixed abode was handed 18 weeks, which was suspended for 12 months, on Tuesday, September 13, 2016.

He was also ordered to carry out 200 hours of unpaid work and pay £500 costs and an £80 victim surcharge.

The court heard how an off duty fire safety officer drove past a commercial unit on York Street, Bury, and noticed a banner advertising fireworks for sale.

After checks revealed the unit had no licence to store explosives specialist fire safety officers returned to the building on October 21, 2015.

They found boxes of fireworks stored throughout the premises and on open display without any safety measures in place to protect staff or the public. No licence could be provided and no risk assessment had been carried out.

The bench heard how the fireworks were stored without any protective barriers and that a fire would have developed rapidly with significant explosions putting people in the shop, surrounding businesses and emergency services at risk.

Cassie Williams, prosecuting, told the court that Phelps had intentionally disregarded the law and the harm posed to members of the public was serious with the risk of burns and permanent injury being obvious.

Laura Baumans, defending, said Phelps had been out of work and decided to invest money from a personal injury claim into setting up a motorbike business to better his life, but after discussion with a friend he decided to sell fireworks as a short term lucrative business.

Miss Baumans told the court he had now lost everything.

Chair of Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Authority, David Acton, said: “Phelps disregarded the law and his reckless attitude placed the public, his staff and emergency services at risk.

“Selling fireworks can be a lucrative business, but traders must adhere to the law and store these potentially deadly explosives properly.

“Our team of specialist officers and staff provide an excellent licencing service and anyone intending to sell fireworks must visit or call 0800 555 815 to apply for a licence.

“If you try to sell fireworks without a licence you are putting the public at risk - we will find you and we will prosecute you.”