The final piece of Manchester's Ordsall Chord has been put in place

It will link Manchester Piccadilly and Victoria stations for the first time.

Published 9th Nov 2017
Last updated 9th Nov 2017

The final piece of the Ordsall Chord rail link has been put into place today - linking Manchester Piccadilly to Victoria for the very first time.

The arch bridge is the first of its kind in the world and will allow hundreds of extra trains to run through the city from next month.

We've sent our reporter Amy Scarisbrick along to the opening ceremony:

The "Network Arch" which is "rusty coloured" has now become a recognisable part of the Manchester skyline.

The Mayor of Greater Manchester Andy Burnham gave us his reaction to it:

Engineers have been out on the tracks putting the final piece in place - they claim the Ordsall Chord will cut congestion in and out of Manchester Picadilly by a quarter.

You'll also be able to get a faster direct train to Manchester Airport and more services can run across the whole North of England.

The first trains will start using the line next month.