Fears Childline calls could go unanswered

There's an appeal for more volunteers ahead of the busy Chritmas period.

Published 28th Nov 2016

Childline's issuing an urgent call for volunteers to help man their phone lines in Manchester as they prepare for an influx in the run-up to Christmas.

Figures show a child will contact the helpine every 25 seconds over the festive period - but nationally, one in four calls go unanswered due to a lack of volunteers.

Since the ChildLine Manchester base operned in 1992 it has handled 425,025 counselling sessions with children and young people.

LISTEN: Our reporter Justin Mottershead talks to Supervisor Dave Dunn about the need for more help over the festive period:

As of the 30th August 2016, the Manchester Childline base had 126 active volunteers.

If you want to get involved go to: