Empty Buildings To Be Used As Shelters

Published 16th Nov 2015

Manchester City Council is planning to open up and use empty buildings as overnight shelters for rough sleepers.

The former Hulme Library building and the former Beech Mount Children’s Home are the first in a series of buildings to be opened up from next month as part of an ongoing campaign to improve services for homeless people in Manchester.

These new locations as well as other spaces recently opened will mean up to an extra 165 bed spaces will be available across winter

The city council will work with specialist support for homeless people to help provide access to medical and mental health support and to drug and alcohol services.

Councillor Paul Andrews, Manchester City Council’s executive member for adult health and well-being, said: “We’ve spent months working on plans to open up empty buildings across the city to make sure nobody has to sleep rough on the streets this winter. This is a lengthy process, but we have now identified the first pair which we can open and we’re now continuing to carry out inspections so we can open more empty buildings in other parts of the city.”

“While providing shelter and a roof over their heads is obviously a good start, what’s really important is working with charities, faith groups and our own homelessness services to make sure the right help and support is available to rough sleepers so we can help them make the first steps towards getting off the streets for good.”