Elderly Man Attacked In His Moston Home

87 year old, who is blind, was jumped on.

Published 29th May 2016

An elderly man has been assaulted at his home in Moston. At around 3pm on Friday 27 May 2016, the offender or offenders knocked on the door of the 87-year-old, who is blind, shortly after he returned to his home address on Rosslyn Road in Moston. When he opened the door the offender asked the victim for a pen and paper so that he could leave a note for the victim’s next door neighbour. When the victim went into his house to get a pen he returned to find the offender walking up his stairs. The victim asked the offender to leave and as the offender walked back towards the front door he pushed the door closed, turned around and pushed the victim to the floor. The offender then jumped on top of him and demanded his valuables while making threats. He was then dragged into the kitchen where he was assaulted. The offender took his wallet and searched the house before leaving. Detective Constable Terry Macmillan from the City of Manchester Team said: “This is a horrendous crime. I believe the victim has been targeted because of his age and disability. The sustained and ferocious attack that he has been subjected to shows that those responsible will stop at nothing to get what they want. Following the attack he was under medical review for some considerable time and I would like to thank the ambulance team, family and neighbours for helping. “I’m now asking the public for their help in this matter. It is not known how many offenders there were but if you have any information about who may be responsible for this attack, or you saw or heard anything, please let us know.” Anyone with information should call police on 0161 856 3925, 101 or the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.