Drive seeks to recruit 20,000 ‘cancer champions’ to save lives in Greater Manchester

Published 13th Jan 2017

The search is on for 20,000 so-called ‘cancer champions’ across Greater Manchester.

The two-year programme, which aims to improve cancer outcomes in the region, is part of Greater Manchester Cancer, the cancer programme of Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership.

‘Cancer champions’ are individuals who can use their passion, experience and knowledge to share important health messages such as the benefits of a balanced diet and regular exercise, and become involved with activities such as fundraising opportunities to help the prevention of cancer in their communities.

The champions can spread awareness in a number of ways, such as educating family and friends, working with local community projects or large charities, or working with GP surgeries to promote the importance of health screenings in order to catch cancer at earlier and more easily treatable stages.

Ben Gilchrist, the project lead for the Health and Social Move programme said of the drive:

“We know people are passionate about cancer and care about it and we think that we can help to connect people, catalyse more action and activity around cancer and see more cancer champions come forward.”

Zoe Ashworth, a cancer champion and Beating Bowel Cancer volunteer said:

“Cancer affects us all in one way or another and it’s very important that we all take responsibility and try to do our part to prevent that.”

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