Donald Trump protests held in Manchester

Piccadilly Gardens

Published 20th Feb 2017
Last updated 20th Feb 2017

Protests are taking place in Piccadilly Gardens, to demonstrate against Donald Trump's upcoming state visit and his controversial view of refugees.

Banners and placards were on display critisising Trumps use of detention centres and welcoming refugees to the UK.

The demonstration was organised as part of the #onedaywithoutus campaign. The nationional day of action, on the 20th Feburary, aims to highlight the contribution of migrants in the UK. By inviting them to go on strike for the day or to participate in their regional protests to show thier contribution to British society.

This call to action has prompted multiple demonstrations througout the country.

Speaking at the protest Roger Newton said "I think he Trump is a lunatic, the way he behaves, the fact he speaks in sound bites... he's fine for tweeting but he doesn't seem to be able to comprehend anything longer than 140 characters."

Protestor Sue Arnol said: "Asylum seekers and refugees ae just human beings, they enjoy dancing, they enjoy singing, we should welcome them. We shouldn't just watch things on the tele and be annoyed we should do something about it.

The mood of send people away, doesn't have to win, we can enable people to get the right to stay just by standing together."

Tens of thousands of people throughout the UK are expected to participate in the nationwide demonstrations, given the recent petition to prevent Donald Trump's UK state visit reaching almost million signatures.