Diet Pill Dangers

A young woman from Tameside's been telling us her mission to achieve the perfect body almost killed her.

Published 24th Dec 2015

A young woman from Tameside's told us she's lucky to be alive after the diet pills she ordered online almost killed her.

Natalie Jade Penney, 24, from Hyde, collapsed after taking the tablets to try and lose weight.

Tests show they contained a dangerous chemical which sent her heart into overdrive.

WATCH: As Natalie shares her story with our Chief Reporter Michelle Livesey to serve as a warning to others:

Ephedrine is a dangerous natural compound, and has a similar chemical structure to amphetamines.

Studies show the drug can produce a wide array of possible side effects, including anxiety, insomnia, hypertension, tachycardia, psychosis, kidney damage, dependency, heart attacks, strokes and even death.

Ephedrine burns fat by stimulating the nervous system and your circulation, in a process that is called thermogenesis. If consumed in large amounts, it will lead to several of the above listed side effects.

It is illegal for shopkeepers and chemists to sell it in large quantities within the UK because of its extremely dangerous side effects. However, the drug is sold over-the-counter because it is intended for short-term use as a nasal decongestant.

LISTEN: We've been getting reaction and advice from Peter Ferguson, a Nutritionist and Personal Trainer:

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