Detectives Close In On Parklife Killer

Robert Hart died after being attacked at the festival. 6 months on police say they are close to catching the man responsible.

Published 17th Dec 2014

Detectives investigating the death of Robert Hart at Parklife believe they are closer than ever to finding his attacker. Robert, 26, died on Wednesday 11th June 2014, five days after the assault at the music festival which left him fighting for life with a bleed on the brain. Now, six months after the attack in which Robert was punched by an unknown man at the music festival in Heaton Park, officers in GMP’s Major Incident Team have revealed the depth and complexity of the investigation which they hope will lead officers to the man responsible for his death. Detective Superintendent Philip Reade said: “Officers have trawled through hundreds of photographs, as well as hundreds of hours of footage from mobile phones, drones and media cameras which were at the event. “The response from the public following our media appeals for information has been fantastic, and I honestly believe that response is helping us to tighten the net around the man who threw the punch that ended Robert’s life. “As a result of that public response, we have been able to identify and interview more than 150 different people across the country in relation to the attack, proving that we are committed to following every single line of enquiry available to us. “We have today revealed a picture that we believe was taken just minutes before Robert was attacked, in area to the right of the main stage at around 9.15pm. “We are of the opinion that Robert’s attacker is standing in the immediate vicinity of this picture, but frustratingly he is just out of shot and that is why we need more people to come forward if they believe they were in that area at the time. “I am also sure that Robert’s attacker will now have disclosed this attack to a friend, acquaintance, family member or similar and all it takes is for that person to come forward and give us a name. “The £23,000 reward from the Parklife organisers and Crimestoppers still stands, and that is available for the person who comes forward with the information that helps us crack this case.” Robert’s girlfriend, Gemma Parry, has sent the following statement in the hope that it will prompt that person to come forward and provide the justice that Robert, his family and she deserves. Gemma said: "As Christmas Day creeps closer, the more I am reminded of what is missing in my life. "Every Christmas advert, every celebration I see, deepens the sense of loss and heartache that Bobby's death has caused. "It is absolutely heart-breaking to imagine what Christmas will be like without Bobby, a time which should be filled with his beaming smile, jokes, laughter, warmth and love. "He was my northern star and at Christmas, as with the rest of the year, his presence in the midst of the fun and celebration will be sorely missed. "That is also true of New Year, a night when we should be celebrating and raising a glass to our bright, exciting future together. "What really hurts is the fact that the man who attacked my beautiful, kind and selfless partner, the man who took his future away, will get to enjoy his Christmas and New Year with loved ones and friends. "Could he possibly have a conscience? I cannot imagine that he does. "This Christmas, Bobby won't get to enjoy himself and smile. And neither will I." Anyone with information can contact the incident room direct on 0161 85 69283 or email the incident room on with any relevant footage. Alternatively you can call police on 101 or independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.