Crimewave in Saddleworth

Residents call emergency meeting with the police.

Published 16th Feb 2016

A recent crimewave has forced one local community in Greater Manchester to call an emergency meeting and demand the police take action.

Almost 20 businesses have been broken into in the last three months in the Saddleworth area, including Hairdresser Jo Ferns:

Around 200 members of the community attended a public meeting to discuss concerns over police cutbacks in the area.

Police say there have been 27 burglaries that are linked in Oldham since November, 11 of them in the Lydgate area.

Chief Superintendent Caroline Ball from the Oldham Division told KEY103:

"We are extremely pleased with the turn out at the meeting. We can not do this alone. We need the community to come together to work with us to fight crime. We would encourage anyone who spots anything that may look suspicious to call 101 and report it. It may be that missing piece of the jigsaw we are looking for in tracking the offenders down. We are also encouraging business owners to take steps to secure their properties and be extra vigilant."