Cheshire Police Introduce Unmarked Bikes

Cheshire police have warned motorcyclists they risk heavy penalties if they are found speeding after the introduction of new unmarked police bikes.

Cheshire police have warned motorcyclists they risk heavy penalties if they are found speeding after the introduction of new unmarked police bikes.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The new bikes are equipped with four cameras which record views from the front, rear and side of the bike as well as the speed it is travelling at.

Sergeant Rick Weaver of the Roads Policing Team said: “These unmarked bikes pose a real threat to motorists and bikers who flout the rules of the road in Cheshire and put other road users in danger. They look like any other motorbike you might see on the road but we can record any dangerous driving and use that as evidence in court.”

One motorist has already received a large penalty for dangerous driving after they were followed by one of the bikes ridden by Sergeant Weaver. He recorded the motorist going from 0 to 120mph in a 60mph zone near Winsford.

Sergeant Weaver added: “The evidence from the cameras onboard the unmarked bike led to this individual receiving a 12 week suspended prison sentence suspended for 12 months, 18 month disqualification and having to take an extended driving test, 100 hours community service and a total of £345 costs.”

“This conviction shows how serious both Cheshire Police and the Courts are when it comes to dealing with dangerous driving in Cheshire. These new bikes will be a great tool in combating those who believe they can ignore the rules of the road in our county.”