"Cancer nurse to run seven marathons in seven days"

Christie nurse plans seven different outfits to highlight various cancers.

Published 16th Sep 2016

A nurse working at The Christie is lacing up her running shoes and undertaking a mammoth mission, running seven marathons in seven days to raise vital funds to go towards finding a cure for cancer

Emma Widdowson who lives in Bowdon, works in the Oncology Department and has been so inspired by the courage and determination of her patients she has decided to take on the massive challenge

Emma said:

"I witness first hand the hurdles faced by these incredibly brave individuals and I feel I am in a unique position as a nurse to be part of their rehabilitation. I have decided to set myself the challenge of running from London to Manchester to raise money and awareness for a disease which touches all our lives in some way.

Each day the 29 year old will run in a different outfit to represent a different cancer. On one day she will wear a red dress and bright red lipstick for haematological cancer, another day purple for melanoma, and she will even run one marathon in her bra and knickers to represent breast and cervical cancer.

Emma added:

"A patient who I became incredibly fond of sadly passed this week. He took an interest in my event and initially stated I should shave my head for Ewings Sarcoma. Admitting I was not that brave we settled on me running in one of his vests which he sported whilst travelling with his younger brother earlier this year."

Emma will do a total of 182 miles starting in Notting Hill, going through St Albans, Rugby and Macclesfield, and finishing at The Christie, in Withington, on September 23.

Her dad, who will cycle with her, has meticulously planned the route and Emma’s two daughters, Isabella, seven, and four-year-old Amelie are asking school pals to support their mum. They will be there alongside one of her patient's Mark, on the finish line to cheer her home.

  Emma said:

"I am fortunate enough to work in such a wonderful hospital with such dedicated and talented colleagues. There have been huge advances in cancer research but there is still much more that needs to discovered. I would therefore like to raise as much money as possible to help facilitate finding a cure for a disease which takes too many life's too early."

To sponsor Emma visit: justgiving.com/fundraising/Emma-Widdowson1