Calls for more city centre public toilets as only remaining one set to become 24/7

Councillors say there's a "huge problem with public urination" in the city.

Author: Victoria GloverPublished 10th Jan 2020

Manchester councillors have called for more public toilets to be opened in the city centre, saying there’s a ‘huge problem’ with public urination in the city.

The only existing public toilet – on Lloyd Street – is set to open on a 24-hour basis, according to draft budget documents that were published this week.

But councillors have suggested that the town hall could look into opening more public services in the city centre.

Councillor Ahmed Ali told Tuesday’s resources and governance meeting: “I think we need to really improve these public toilets. Over the years, it’s been decimated.

“One way of looking at the quality of life for people coming and visiting the city, I think we need to improve there, by looking at other outlets in terms of toilet facilities.”

Coun Sarah Russell, who chairs the committee, agreed.

She said: “There’s a huge problem with public urination and defecation across the city centre – there is a huge problem with us not dealing with that.

“Realistically people are not walking across the entire distance of the city centre to go and use our one set of toilets. It might be that it’s beyond all financial possibility and there’s no suitable land and it just can’t be done but I think as a committee most people think it should be.”

Coun Ben Clay added that more public toilets would have equality benefits – pointing to people who have health issues or those who need baby changing facilities.

There’s currently only one set of public toilets in the city centre at the moment, at Lloyd Street, although these close at 5.30 in the afternoon.

Draft budget documents sent to councillors this week show the town hall plans to open them 24/7, which it says will ‘support the homeless agenda’.

Some £155,000 has been allocated in next year’s budget for the 24 hour service, as well as additional security.

Discussions around the availability of public toilets in the city centre became more prominent last year when the town hall announced plans to introduce an on-the-spot fine of upto £100 for various anti-social behaviours – including public urination and defecation.

Council documents said that the town hall had received reports from city centre workers and residents about people urinating in the city centre – but opponents of the plan argued that it would be unfair to enforce a fine for the behaviour without enhancing facilities for people.

Some 18 of the city’s public toilets were closed in 2011 in a bid to save cash.

And coun Paul Andrews told Tuesday’s meeting that any discussion about new toilets should look at the reasons why they were shut in the first place.

He said: “If we are looking at having a report on public conveniences across the city, can we make sure that part of that is the reasons why they’re not there in the first place?”

“I remember the debates on the closures of the public conveniences because of the nefarious activity that was taking place in them and I also know there was a big campaign to make sure that a lot more businesses within the city centre were opening up their doors so the public could use their conveniences.

“So it’s not just about ‘let’s recreate the public convenience we had before’. It’s also understanding why they decided to close them down in the first place.”

Coun Russell said she would speak with other committee chairs and ask for a report to find out more on the viability of more services.