Black Friday Health Warning

Published 24th Nov 2015

Bargain hunters in the region are being warned not to risk their health for a cut-price TV. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The North West Ambulance Service (NWAS) has issued the advice distressing scenes broke out last year as some mild mannered shoppers turned into rowdy bargain hunters with scuffles and scrums in the aisles, desperately trying to get their hands on the discounted goods.

Last year NWAS ambulance crews were called out to incidents as people had been assaulted and received various injuries whilst attending the sales. One incident included a lady who was taken to hospital after suffering a head injury when a television fell on top of her in a supermarket.

Director of Operations at NWAS, Derek Cartwright, said: “We all remember the awful and chaotic footage from last year as people were hurt by being pushed over and trampled on as they hurried to get their hands on discounted electronics and goods. Hopefully this year people will be more mindful when attending the sales and understand the consequences of their actions as a fight over a cut price television is not worth a risk to your health, resulting in a call to 999.

“As large crowds gather at these events we would expect retailers to put in place the necessary security provisions to keep everyone safe so that our ambulance crews aren’t called out to injuries which are easily prevented. By doing this we will then be free to attend to those with a life-threatening or serious condition and are in most need of our help.”