Amir Khan Launches Aid Convoy

Amir Khan launches an aid convoy today to deliver supplies to hundreds of Syrian refugees arriving in Greece.

Published 15th Sep 2015

Former two time world boxing champion Amir Khan has launched an aid convoy today to deliver supplies to hundreds of refugees in Greece.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Vans loaded with supplies ranging from food and water to tents and clothes will begin their two-thousand mile journey today to the Greek Island of Lesbos.

The Bolton hero has been helping co-ordinate the relief effort with his own charity The Amir Khan Foundation and other charity the Penny Appeal.

“We’ve got hygiene kits in the boxes, we’ve got food, we’ve got water, we’ve got clothing in there… I just want to thank all the volunteers as well, filling up the vans and helping us”.

“I am nervous about seeing what I am going to see because I have a little child myself and to see people going through pain will be upsetting but this is what I need to do”.

WATCH: Amir Khan talks more about the relief effort.

The long trek is expected to take until Friday where they will arrive in Lesbos to distribute the supplies to a Syrian refugee camp in the country.