A Level results day: Childline reveals rise in calls about exam related fear

As thousands of teenagers nervously wait to get their A Level results tomorrow, Childline's revealed there's been a rise in the number of youngsters calling about exam related fear.

Author: Rebecca BarrattPublished 15th Aug 2018

As thousands of teenagers nervously wait to get their A Level results tomorrow, Childline's revealed there's been a rise in the number of youngsters calling about exam related fear.

The charity says, in 2017/18, its volunteers delivered 1,298 counselling sessions to apprehensive children and teenagers – a increased of around 15% on the previous year.

One boy who contacted Childline said:

“I'm feeling really depressed and stressed out at the moment. I'm worried about getting my A-level results. I don't think I will get the marks I need to get into my chosen university, and there's loads of pressure on me from my teachers to do well. I don't have anyone to talk to about it because I don't want to let anyone down.”

Peter Wanless, NSPCC chief executive said:

“We know that lots of young people struggle with the pressure of exam results season. The desire to get good grades and secure university places can feel like a lot to bear.

“We are also aware that once teenagers have got their results they can feel overwhelmed by what comes next, especially if they don’t get the grades they were hoping for.

“It’s important they share how they are feeling and discuss their options with a friend, trusted adult or Childline.”

Childline has the following advice for young people:

• Don’t panic if you don't get the results you were hoping for.

• You may have to make some tough decisions but remember you always have options and you can get help.

• Everyone is different so try not to compare your results to your friends or classmates.

• If you're disappointed with your results it can help to talk to a teacher or someone you trust about how you’re feeling.

The NSPCC has the following advice for parents and carers:

• Try not to place pressure on your children to gain certain grades

• Your child may find it hard to talk to you about their results so be patient and supportive until they feel ready to open up about how they feel.

• Encourage your child to take their time to think about what they want to do next. There’s no need to rush into a decision straightaway.

• Help them think about their choices by writing down a list of pros and cons for each of their options.

Young people can contact Childline for free, 24 hours a day on 0800 1111 or at www.childline.org.uk