15 lies our parents told us as children

Ah those 'white lies'

Published 30th Jun 2015

Ah those 'white lies' our parents told us as children, we've put together 15 classics. How many were you told and how many do you tell now?

  1. "If you lie your nose will grow." My name isn't Pinocchio.
  1. "If you sit too close to the TV you'll go blind." It's ok because now we use our tablets and phones instead.
  1. "Eating carrots helps you see in the dark." This 'superpower' is yet to kick in...
  1. "If you don't behave that policeman will arrest you." Throwing a tantrum in the street luckily didn't set us on a life of crime.
  1. "I don't know where your toy is, you must have lost it." We didn't really spend time playing at the local charity shop so we're pretty sure mum and dad just gave Mr Funny Bunny away.
  1. "If you don't come with me now I'm leaving you." We never dared call our parents bluff on this.
  1. "We're nearly there." Our parents chose this over telling us it was still another four hours to go.
  1. "Maybe tomorrow." Classic technique for giving us hope for the next day and shutting up today.
  1. "If you make a funny face it will stay like that." Thankfully this was definitely a lie, unfortunately this is just our face :(
  1. "If you swallow gum it will stay in your stomach for 7 years." We've no idea where they got this one from, nowadays though a swift Google disputes that claim.
  1. "The restaurant we're going to doesn't allow children." Our parents certainly knew how to swing some alone time.
  1. "That's only for adults." We couldn't wait to grow up and do all the cool things our parents did.
  1. "The goldfish gets flushed down the toilet so it can go live in the sea." It turns out our first pet just died.
  1. "We're allergic to cats/dogs." Anything to stop us asking, that's why we had the goldfish!
  1. "Mum/Dad knows best." They still try and use this on us today.