Teens jailed over fatal stabbing in Southwark

Two teens have been found guilty of manslaughter.

Author: Louise EastonPublished 1st Apr 2021

Two teens have been sentenced for a total of 26 years for killing a 19 year old in Southwark.

Francois Kablan was fatally stabbed in May last year in Dover Street.

Police think he died following some kind of argument.

19 year old Mohamed Kalokoh of Elephant and Castle and a 16 year old we can't name for legal reasons were found guilty of manslaughter.

The court heard how Francois and his friend became involved in an altercation with the two defendants which quickly escalated.

DCI Kieran said:

“My thoughts go out today to the family and friends of Francois, whose life was needlessly lost, far too soon. Whatever instigated this dispute between the two groups quickly led to a situation in which the two defendants - who were both armed with knives - were not prepared to back down. Rather they decided to engage, leading to the most tragic of outcomes. It is clear to me that their intention was to cause at least serious harm to Francois, proving them to be dangerous offenders who have no place on our streets.

"The result today reflects the seriousness of knife crime and the impact that this has on the victims, their families and their communities. I hope that today's verdict can offer them some of the closure that they deserve whilst removing two dangerous criminals from the streets of London.

“Tackling violent crime in communities across London is the Met’s top priority. We are working incredibly hard to take weapons off the street, engage and reassure the public, and keep our communities safe.”

If there are any young people who have information about violence or knife crime, they can visit fearless.org where they can pass on information anonymously. Fearless is part of the Crimestoppers charity, and is also independent of the police. If you need help or information to support someone you suspect is involved in knife crime, or you want assistance yourself, then you can visit www.knifefree.co.uk