15 year old boy convicted over attacks on Croydon schoolgirls

Pupils were targeted

Author: Louise EastonPublished 13th Apr 2021

Following a string of attacks on schoolgirls in Croydon, a 15 year old boy has been convicted.

Between November 2019 and October last year six girls were either assaulted or sexually assaulted as they made their way to class.

The attacks are not thought to be linked and the victims are thought to have been chosen randomly.

The 15 year old, who pleaded guilty to eight charges, including sexual assault and GBH will be sentenced in June.

Detective Sergeant Sarah Barrett who led the investigation said: "These incidents caused considerable concern to the local community - all the victims were teenage girls, and apparently chosen at random. They were making their way to school when they were subjected to needless and completely unprovoked attacks. I am grateful to all of them for their assistance to our investigation."