More tests sites opening in south London

Surge testing continues

Author: Louise EastonPublished 14th Apr 2021

More testing sites are being opened up in Wandsworth and Lambeth following the discovery of the South African variant of covid-19.

Anyone over the age of 11 is being encouraged to get tested even if they don't have symptoms.

However Wandsworth council say currently testing in person is fully booked and home-use tests are being offered.

A spokesperson said:

“We are working to reduce waiting times an increase capacity.

“Tests can now be collected for home use from Battersea Sports Centre and Wandsworth Town Hall (Room 75).”

Residents had reported difficulties booking a timely test (on Tues).

The council said further testing sites will be opened during the week as well as further details of where tests can be picked up for use at home.

Wandsworth alone is home to more than 300,000 people so it will take time to get through everyone.

In Wandsworth asymptomatic PCR testing is currently only available at Wandsworth Town Hall, Tooting Leisure Centre, and the University of Roehampton.

On Monday (April 12) the Department of Health and Social care said 44 confirmed cases and 30 probable cases of the South African variant had been found in the two boroughs.

The first case of the variant in the area was identified in early March.

Wandsworth council said all identified cases are now self-isolating and that “robust” contact tracing had taken place.

The Department of Health called it the “largest surge testing operation to date” and said it is important for residents in Wandsworth and Lambeth to take a PCR test as these can identify the specific variants.

Rapid lateral flow device (LFD) tests are also widely available, and everyone in the country is being asked to take these twice a week, but they can only determine positivity for Covid-19, not the specific variant.

This is why residents in these areas are being asked to do PCR tests.

If anyone tests positive, they must self-isolate immediately and pass on details of their contacts to NHS Test and Trace when contacted.

Positive tests will then be examined in a laboratory to determine whether any of them are the variant first identified in South Africa.

Wandsworth’s Director of Public Health for Wandsworth, Shannon Katiyo, said residents should continue to follow the normal guidance in place, including limiting the number of contacts you have with people, washing your hands regularly, and thoroughly keeping your distance and covering your face.

They do not have to self-isolate unless they are found to have tested positive.

Dr Susan Hopkins, Chief Medical Adviser for NHS Test and Trace said the cluster of cases found was “significant.”

She stressed: “Around 1 in 3 people with COVID-19 don’t show any symptoms. By taking part you can protect yourselves and your loved ones and help us identify any possible new cases that would otherwise be missed, preventing further transmission and saving lives.”

You can book a test via Wandsworth council here:

You can book a test in Lambeth here: