Retired Met Police officer denies sex attack on woman

It allegedly happened in April 2004

Author: Radina Koutsafti and Emily Pennink, PA Published 1st Mar 2022
Last updated 1st Mar 2022

A retired Met Police officer has pleaded not guilty to raping a woman more than 17 years ago.

Former Pc Stephen Kyere was part of Hammersmith and Fulham police at the time of the alleged offence in Teddington, south-west London, in April 2004.

The 56-year-old, who retired from the Met in March last year, was off duty, according to the force.

Today (1st March), the defendant, from Ashford in Kent, appeared at the Old Bailey for a plea hearing before Judge Mark Lucraft QC.

He pleaded not guilty to rape, attempted rape and indecent assault between 11th and 14th April 2004.

The charges relate to the same woman, who cannot be identified for legal reasons.

During the hearing, Judge Lucraft set a provisional trial at the Old Bailey of up to five days from 16th January next year.

He said the case is likely to be tried before a High Court judge and the date could be brought forward or changed depending on availability.

A further case management hearing before Judge Lucraft was set for 16th May.

Kyere, who spoke only to confirm his identity and enter pleas, was granted continued unconditional bail.

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