London pilot hoping to fly life saving equipment to India

Chris Hall has raised money to buy oxygen concentrators

Author: Louise EastonPublished 4th May 2021

A London pilot moved by the distressing scenes caused by Covid-19 in India has raised money to buy 30 oxygen concentrators, which he hopes to fly to the stricken country himself.

Chris Hall, who is a captain for Virgin Atlantic, grew up in Delhi and has been horrified by the latest surge of coronavirus in India, where new cases are rising by record amounts and there is a shortage of both hospital beds and medical oxygen.

“Every now and again something rattles your cage just a little bit,” Mr Hall, 59, told the PA news agency.

“In the story of this pandemic what we’re seeing in India is probably the thing we all feared, all governments feared – a wave, a surge that no health system could cope with, and ordinary people at the very moment they get it (Covid) unable to get any help from their health system.”

Mr Hall, from Teddington in south-west London, has performed and organised a number of challenges to raise money for various causes in the past – an amount he says totals around £1 million.