Harrow schools to surge test for Indian variant of coronavirus

Surge testing will start on Monday.

Author: Louise EastonPublished 21st May 2021

Surge testing is going to be carried out in schools in Harrow to help tackle the spread of the Indian variant of coronavirus.

Starting on Monday, the council hopes to test as many people over the age of 11 as possible before half term.

Data shows that many households testing positive for the variant contain people from younger age groups.

A number of cases of this variant have been identified across London, more than three thousand cases have been dientified across the country so far.

The council has also urged parents, carers, and other family members to take home tests or visit test centres to support this effort.

It added schools may choose to encourage more widespread mask wearing while testing is carried out.

Carole Furlong, director of public health at Harrow Council, said:

“It is vital that we carry out this additional testing to quickly identify people with positive tests.

“We are testing for variants of concern, such as the B1.167.2 as we know it to be more transmissible than the usual virus.

“There is no difference in what you have to do if you test positive – you and your household still need to isolate for 10 days.

“Our number one priority is to protect our community by stopping the spread of Covid-19, which is why we are carrying out this programme of surge testing.

“Please make sure you follow the guidelines carefully so we can stop the spread.”

Cllr Graham Henson (Lab, Roxbourne) said it is vital people continue to get tested to combat this and to come forward for the Covid-19 vaccine when invited.